German Company Aerowest is providing Openstreetmap with high resolution Images.
Once again I have been doing most of the technical work which needed to be done behind the scenes. While has been up and running for a few weeks now I still had to do some stuff to get the things going.
First of all I converted the mapscript from the older mod_python to the state of the art mod_wsgi. Furthermore the script has been extended to allow for individual copyright-watermarks based on mapfile entries. Tiles generated for Potlatch are now cached using the Apache Module mod_disk_cache.
The aerial image itself came as a raster image of 201 Gigapixels in the very good (in terms of image compression) but proprietary ECW-format. For legal reasons we are now using another format for actually serving the image (eating a huge 675 Gigabytes of disk-space) because the proprietary license of libecwj2 does not state very clearly if we are allowed to use it in our setup or not.
Wow, they’re lovely. And thanks for generating Potlatch-friendly tiles.
I think the lat/lon in the Dortmund edit link is a bit wrong – it should be!/!/!.png .
Thanks, link has been fixed.